Siegfried Schnabel

Siegfried Schnabel

* 19.01.1927
† 26.12.2018 in Rotenburg
Erstellt von WESER- KURIER
Angelegt am 10.01.2019
2.623 Besuche

Neueste Einträge (3)


I am very sorry for your loss

20.12.2021 um 18:21 Uhr von Natalie Szuzina


My father, Franz Szuzina spoke fondly of Uncle Harold and Seigfried. They were his truest friends. I am sorry to hear of Seigfrieds passing. My father passed in 2008, My hope is that they are reunited in Heaven in good company. 

My deepest condolences,

Natalie Szuzina


Natalie Szuzina

Entzündet am 20.12.2021 um 18:18 Uhr


vom 10.01.2019