Ruth Gernat

Ruth Gernat

* 26.05.1932
† 08.09.2018
Erstellt von WESER-KURIER
Angelegt am 19.09.2018
1.033 Besuche

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24.09.2018 um 21:48 Uhr von Nadja Rosney

My condolences to my mother, my two Aunts, Manou and Sylvia, and Tanta Gerda. It's hard to be happy in a time of loss, and it's hard to be strong when your sister, or mother, or grandma, or friend is no longer here with us. But it is what we do with their memory that counts. For as long as we remember, and miss, and love, they will still be here. They show through in the little quirks that we have picked up from them, or in the way we show kindness to others as they did. I didn't know my Oma as much as I'd like, but I get to see a little bit of her all the time in my mom. I know that Oma would be really proud of her. And Manou and Sylvia too! What I did know about her, was that she was kind. She'd rather bite her tounge, than make others feel bad. She was quiet, and sweet, and you could see on her face, the joy her daughters brought her. I may not have known her as well as I should have, but I know that she was a one of a kind mother, whose love was always present, no matter how far she was. I only hope that above all else, we may be comforted in the fact that she hasn't left us at all. She will continue to be there for as long as we remember her and miss her and love her.