Neueste Einträge (3)

Pamela J Storrer
Entzündet am 19.03.2020 um 17:18 Uhr
Dear Elsa, Horst, Astrid, Frederik and Philine, I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Gert. I will always keep him and your family close to my heart. I will never forget his smile, warmth and his teasing sense of humor. May he rest in pease.

Frank Mühring
Entzündet am 17.03.2020 um 17:00 Uhr
Lieber Horst, liebe Astrid, ich denke an Euren Vater und Schwiegervater und wünsche Euch viel Kraft und Gottes Segen. Frank Mühring, Oberneuland